High Score Flappy Bird

One day, I went to my nephew's house . When entering the house, seen my nephew named Sarkawi, it more fun to play I - pad . I approached him and see what he does with the I- pad. It turns out that my nephew was playing games.
I approached my nephew more closely, it turns out my nephew played the game it was a red bird jumping around is not necessarily the direction. I laughed when the red bird hit the green pipe.

"So just lost, Wkwkkk ..." I sneered.
"The game is hard, uncle ...," said my nephew reasoned.
"What's the big deal? Just past the pipe alone!"
"That's the hard uncle," he began emotions.
"Reason," I sneered again.

My nephew was angry, handed his I - pad on me, "If great uncle, uncle try to play this game," he said, "If scores uncle to four, I admit defeat," he challenged.
"Games like this easy, let alone four scores, scores alone can I reach a hundred," I said.
"No need to say much, just play."
I grabbed his I- pad, and with high confidence, I am sure will be able to achieve high scores.
But it turns out my guess was wrong, two hours passed the highest scores I have achieved only one ! Yes,one ... embarrassing, is not it?
Five hours passed, my scores did not improve! Still one ...
" What, give up ? Taunted my nephew .
" Give up? No!" I replied .
"If uncle lost, then the uncle had bought meatballs for me . Ok."
"Ok," I do not want to lose .
Flappy Bird played a long game, finally my eyes are tired, my fingers cramp. And Sarkawi with a smile, my niece said, "Give up?"
I nodded my head. Honestly, I could not take anymore! Flappy Bird game really made me into a stupid man!
"Uncle, go home," I said goodbye .
Suddenly Sarkawi holding my hand , "Uncle should not go home! Remember the promise uncle."
"Promise what?"
"Promise me want to buy meatballs," his eyes bulging.
I patted his head, "Later… Uncle haven’t money ... " I said reasonably.
"No reason, I traded now," he snapped.
I sighed, " All right,  “with a heavy heart, I spend twenty thousand rupiahs for him," This is ... ," I said reluctantly.
My niece laughing. While I am sad, because Flappy Bird, I became the man that stupid in front of my niece and my monthly running out of money!

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