I Suppose Superman

First time junior high school, I wanted to get out of the house! Somehow, I do not like to be woken up in the morning for school! mother started at 05:00, usually shouted to wake me up for prayer, when my eyes lazy wake lifeline. Sometimes if angels coincidence 'through' I will wake up, but if another lazy sometimes my prayers 06.00 new! Even then continued to sleep again!

Graduated from high school when I finally get out of the house. I'm schools in other areas! And finally my parents agree. I am very happy at the time, eventually I will be FREE! No more rules, no more ban it, not there anymore, what else huh? Anyway-that's it, haha ​​....
Not long ago, it turns out I was accepted at school. And the students required for in hostel! I'm happy just beginning, ehhh, Turns ... behind the cauliflower slices of Burger there! Apes all ...
Not to also stay a week I've complained. Imagine, this lazy I have to deal with regulations that tight dorm. At about 5:00 the morning must have been pray, it must be directly discharged to clean the dorm, not yet finished. Ehhh ... have to prepare food for boarders. After returning from a theory about 12:00 hours, get ready again ready food, after that wash ompreng (a type of aluminum that is used for eating), raised boarder clothesline, folding clothes boarder, and the most annoying is cleaning the bathroom boarder! *gosh ....
Which makes irritated and lazy are regulations that restrict students to sleep! The first level students whose names should not nap, can sleep over at 22:00 PM (IBHS rare! Most fast asleep 00.00). Regarding washing clothes also, can at 22:00 to 05:00, so do not be surprised if the cat boarding in vomiting all, because they could not smell the laundry that I did not wash for weeks, because choosing bed of the wash! #PillowBrain .
Not to mention the problem of clothing, which required each student out of the room must be collared clothing plus trousers! For many clothes that it does not matter, but for me that at that time only had three collared shirt that becomes a problem! I was forced to wait for the day when all people at busy theories, I quietly slipped away to boarding for washing clothes in the room! And thankfully I climb up two levels, I never caught washing clothes in the room, if not, will be asked to wash toilets for 1 full month! *Strokinghischest.
Since then sometimes I often sad (Remember sad? Not Crying! * Reason Let Arguably Macho men), I miss the atmosphere of the house which is where piss this world, where normally I would sleep quietly because it does not have to worry about the laundry (because washed by Mom), do not have to worry about scrubbing clothes (as clothes rubbed by the mother), do not need to prepare a meal (prepared as Mother), do not have to worry about cleaning the house (Because cleaned by the mother), and not have to worry about a shower (because it is bathed by Mother, haha).

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