Good bye My Friend...

My heart feels willing to jump out!
"Oh, God ...," I was shocked to see the word text message telling that the force my friend DIED!

Instantly remember face of my friend who is always cheerful, eyes, nose, mouth, saliva was until I remembered! Is that as fast as she went ? No wonder she does not want to eat yesterday, do not want to drink, after I asked, it turns out she DOES NOT HAVE MONEY ! Haha ...
Without thinking I contacted the phone number of my friends who had the initials " G " ( not Ghost ), Which I was clicking SMS .
Me : Hellooo ... *Sigh
G : Yes ...
Without a length, I immediately spoke : "How Good it happened until he died?"
The ' G ' direct recalled: "Yes, I was also surprised to the news! She said the "S " ( Name of my friend who has died ) again work task group ..."
Bleggg ! Return my heart would fall out! The sound of my friends who talk on the phone I did not listen. Ye , God ... that much heavy the group assignment until he met his death!
The faint sound of ' G ' Talk , " Well ... that time he was also blown ..."
I shudder to imagine the original disco, I thought to myself , 'thank God I'm working on a group assignment yet, fortunately ... (Though it is basically just me lazy).
"I never thought he would die, but the rest of us will pass one more step," I said bitterly.
" Yes, "my friend said, " Yes, hopefully drops in his hand ... and ' S ' are given patience "
" Amen ... " I said closing the phone.
I was really shocked to hear the news of the death of my friend. How easy it is God kill someone; whether he was young, children, even babies though.
Honestly I am afraid that God suddenly kill me, but still a lot of sins that ever I do it . With a sob, I ask forgiveness to God ... but suddenly my mind strayed speaking me at 'G' was ...
"Yes, hopefully drops in his hand ... and ' S ' are given patience"
Ahh? S, given patience? What I have not heard before?
I take my Handphone earlier, I read it over and over SMS, Turns .... Treng ... trengggg ... who died but his father is not my friend !*Fainting
After chatting with ' G ' again, it turns out when the ' S ' in charge of keeping her father in the hospital, did not realize that his father shortness of breath, due to the seriousness work on group assignments.
I shake my head above my ignorance, because I am so gantuk error. But thank God I could take a lesson from this incident, that as smarts squirrel jump, eventually falling too! (What Relationship?)

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